T15 1,500lb. Walkie Tugger
Our 1,500lb capacity walkie tugger can eliminate operator strain caused by manually pulling carts long distances. Variable travel is provided for both forward and reverse and the unit comes with both a frame grab and a standard pin connection, The 180 degree articulating tow arm can be locked out with a drift pin for improved control as needed.

24volt DC drive motor and controller
Electronic motor braking provides stopping force when not under power
Ergonomic handle with 3 positions, safety reversing switch and horn
50AH polycase batteries with internal 110VAC charger
Battery discharge indicator, emergency power disconnect, and key switch
Motorized Pedestrian Tuggerk
1,500lbs. up to 7% grade loaded
48 volt /520 Ah
Polycase maintenance free
Internal 110VAC plug-in
54.1″ OAL, 20.5″ OAW
3.1mph empty, 2.8mph loaded